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Acacia Lavocier is the artistic director, designer and founder of LAVOCIER®, from 2018-2024 who has dedicated herself to the business world of beauty and finery. This hypnotic brand is a direct reflection of her family's organic influence. 


Her mother owned her own pre-eminent brand originally named KIANGA, producing rare Egyptian fragrances, elixir wines, with Italian hand-made fur and leather garments. Giving Acacia her early childhood inspirations. 

Her father is also a fashionable person who is well known for his bold style. He owned his own clothing printing company in his 30’s and enjoyed styling Acacia as a child encouraging her to uniquely stand out. He would call her LIGRA (someone who he would describe as having the mind of a lion and the strength of a tiger.) reminding Acacia to be, a leader and not a follower.

 Her grandmother used to be a seamstress, with her own clothing store in London who always had a thing for designer brands, class and glamour. Obsessed with beauty, diamonds, clothes and the finer things in life. Acacia was inclined to also embrace these very same things. 

Her grandfather was one of the top architectural designers in the Uk. Becoming the pinnacle of unlimited potential through the lense of design in Acacias eyes. “My family alone have built in me, something nobody can take from me or  duplicate".

Acacia loves to learn, to discover, to nurture both her spirit and her image through the arts:  "Explore your limits, explore your talents, explore your heart, explore your values and trust in God."

This is a motto that Acacia Lavocier lives by consistently. Passionate about life, love, design, identity and transformation, Acacia fell in love with fashion culture, the beauty industry and self-elevation.​


She traveled through Europe, finding herself in awe of advancement and excellence, and the magnificence of cerebral royalty found in the demeanour of those of a polished nature. 

​That, as well as the adoration of fine commodities, appear organically in her stylistic essence.

"Competition doesn't exist". …The designer stays in any case attentive to quintessence. Traditional yet extravagant in her style, her fashion and her personality. Acacia believes that, anything, created by you can never be re-created by anyone else, meaning no matter what you do, you are always unique.


From as young as 5 years old, Acacia Lavocier had always been recognised as someone of creative and entrepreneurial gifts - Writing, Art, Design, Music and more. Coming from a family lineage of business minds and many talents, plus finishing school with a degree in business management, she was always encouraged to pursue métier and creativity.

This motivated Acacia to create this legacy brand as a whole new romanticised reality, a whole new eccentric style and a whole new visceral feeling: LAVOCIER®. 

"Everyone has the power to visualise and materialise their fantasy. This is mine."​​ -

Acacia Lavocier


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