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LAVOCIER® is a multidimensional brand, prioritising charity, innovating premium trends and cultivating surreal experiences. Our mission is to ascend the modern high-fashion industry by introducing unique garments, sophisticated cosmetics, sentimental pieces and fine jewellery, all created with avant-garde designs and character... emphasising allure, passion, depth, quality and perfection. 

We aim to captivate extraordinary world-class individuals who embrace what they love and reject what they don't. We are an unpredictable brand, pursuing universal inner majesty by fashionably and theoretically expressing the master pieces of life.

Our most favourable collectable designs are an expression of pure jouissance and escapism.


Imagine a world where visceral purpose can be seen and pure confidence can be felt. LAVOCIER® embodies this and strives to influence positive cultural transformations worldwide by sharing high quality products fused with eye opening conceptual ideas, depicted as art itself.

LAVOCIER® is a symbol of prosperity and individualistic perfection. Dedicated to the creations and perceptions of beauty and finery whilst artistically evoking a life worth living.

Dress to be irresistible, live to be irreplaceable, strive for perfection and never forget to become the muse.

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